Easy Folded Journals

IMG_1540.JPGI've had a trick up my sleeve for years that has proven very helpful!  It's the creation of very easy to fold journals.  I happen to be making these today in preparation for our fieldtrip tomorrow.  Perhaps I'll make a post on that!When you're done, you'll have a folded and bound journal with a cover, a back page, and six pages to work on.Materials:

  1. a rectangular piece of paper
  2. a sharp pair of scissors, or razor, or another cutting device
  3. a surface to cut on

Since some things are easier seen than read, here's a little video to help.  If you find this helpful, please leave a comment below:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1F9r2Z-wck&w=560&h=315]  


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